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Are your from a VCSE sector group or organisation in Tewkesbury Borough? Would you like to help make Tewkesbury a better place for people to live and work in? Apply now to join Tracy Clark, CEO of Young Gloucestershire, as joint Rep on the Integrated Locality Partnership.

I’m Tracy Clark, CEO of Young Gloucestershire and Infobuzz, and the VCSE Representative (Rep) for Tewkesbury Borough Integrated Locality Partnership (ILP). ILPs are a way of joining up VCSE and public sector services to improve local people’s health & wellbeing.

Tewkesbury ILP is a vibrant meeting where we grapple with the challenges our community faces and seek opportunities to positively impact the community. Whether that’s understanding the facts and figures, influencing decision making, distribution of funding or seeking ways to hear the voice of our community. In addition, as a Rep we seek to bring the VCSE sector in Tewkesbury Borough together (this is a work in progress) to ensure that we can represent the wider voice of the VCSE sector at the ILP.

I’m looking for someone from a VCSE sector group or organisation who would like to share this role with me and make a real difference in Tewkesbury. We would work and learn together to ensure the VCSE sector is heard. The main tasks are:

  • Gathering views from and providing feedback to the local VCSE sector

  • Attending the ILP meetings and being a strong voice for the sector

  • Encouraging VCSE sector groups & organisations to take part in ILP work programmes and initiatives

The time commitment is approx. 4 -6 hours per month and my organisation gets paid a contribution for my time.

A copy of the role description is here. Please apply via our webform. For an informal discussion about the role, please email or deadline for applications is 14 February 2024.

Members met at Barnwood Trust in October to discuss the core areas of focus for the Strategic Partnership over the coming months.

The group also discussed the work of Integrated Locality Representatives, reviewed the role of the Strategic Partnership and discussed some of the wider issues facing the VCSE sector in the county.

The full meeting minutes are now available to view on our What We Do page. The November meeting was held on 6 November 2023 and minutes will be uploaded to this website shortly.

NAVCA has created a resource bank to help public sector organisations to embed the VCSE sector into Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) across the country.

These resources feature our slide deck about how the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Gloucestershire was developed by the local VCSE sector and One Gloucestershire ICS.

The MoU for Gloucestershire was developed through a programme of events held with members of the VCSE sector and the One Gloucestershire ICS. It is a framework that supports joint working and is a commitment to a long-term partnership based on our shared values and agreed behaviours.

The MoU describes how both sectors will collaborate to make Gloucestershire a better and healthier place to live and work by listening to communities and each other, making smarter use of data to inform decisions, and planning and designing services together. The MoU was agreed by the Gloucestershire VCSE Strategic Partnership in April 2022.

Our slide deck is amongst a range of resources such as sample partnership agreements, infographics and weblinks from organisations across the country. You can find out more by visiting the NAVCA website.

Receive quarterly updates via our In Partnership newsletter

Our quarterly newsletter is sent out in February, May,  August and November. Each edition will keep you updated about how the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire is working in partnership with the public sector and a range of agencies for the benefit of local communities.


Please sign up using our webform

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