We're delighted to announce that Matt Fellows from Age UK Gloucestershire has been appointed as the new VCSE Representative on the Tewkesbury ILP.

Hello, I'm Matt
I’m the Chief Executive Officer at Age UK Gloucestershire and hope that within my new role as a VCSE Representative on Tewkesbury Integrated Locality Partnership I will be able to influence how we as a sector collaborate with local public sector colleagues, alongside championing the great work already underway in the communities of Tewkesbury. I believe that overcoming social disadvantage and health inequality is at the heart of creating equality of access and equity of opportunity. Doing so systemically can only be achieved through collaboration and partnership founded on mutual understanding and respect. I am looking forward to working with Tracy Clark, the other VCSE Representative for Tewkesbury, as well as VCSE & public sector partners. If you would like to contact me, please email mfellows@ageukgloucestershire.org.uk
You can find out more about VCSE Representatives across the county on our VCSE Sector Representatives page.