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VCSE Sector Representatives

The VCSE Strategic Partnership facilitates the recruitment of individual VCSE sector leaders to act as representatives for our sector at boards and forums. These representatives are recruited through an open process and our initial focus has been on recruiting reps to Integrated Locality Partnerships (ILPs).


ILPs are a way of joining up a wide range of local services to tackle the root causes of health inequalities and improve people’s health and wellbeing. We now have ILP representatives in each of the six districts within the county. Our representatives are responsible for:


  • Developing relationships between public sector organisations and the VCSE sector

  • Supporting effective communication and improving the way both sectors work together at a local level

  • Gathering and representing people’s experiences, priorities, views and concerns

  • Sharing information about the work of the ILP and the opportunities it presents


Representatives talk to local VCSE groups & organisations and attend forums - they champion the VCSE sector as an equal partner in the design and delivery of services.


Your ILP Representatives


The names of your local ILP representatives are below. You can send your representative an email by clicking on their name.

Stroud & Berkeley Vale ILP

Receive quarterly updates via our In Partnership newsletter

Our quarterly newsletter is sent out in February, May,  August and November. Each edition will keep you updated about how the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire is working in partnership with the public sector and a range of agencies for the benefit of local communities.


Please sign up using our webform

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